To get to school this morning, I took the STM.
Hello World is an example of the "b" Semantic Element.
In Hamlet, Hamlet says the famous line "To be or not to be: That is the question".
The semantic element Code
is used to emphasize different computer codes.
According to the Webster Dictionary, the word spurious means false or of a deceitful nature
The teacher was SO angry that the student was late for class.
This is my final semester at Dawson College.
When asked to fill in where she went to school, Alisia wrote Dawson College.
The teacher said that it was imperative that the student go see him to review his test.
Gaby told her mom that She would be home later
This laboratory is centered around learning about Semantic Elements and how to use them appropriately.
The homework should be sumbitted no later than Monday evening.
The medication helps treat the flu. Should be used at the discretion of your doctor.
The chemical formula for water is H20.
It is the 8 th day of the month.
My birthday is on .
When citing a text you can place it in italics or underline it.
Solve for x in the following problem.